Agriculture – Air Purifiers


How Airocide roses lasted 18 days longer than normal.

Stanley Fitts, CEO of Reeves Floral Products set aside some fresh cut roses, protected half with the Airocide® bioconversion system and set the other half in a control cooler. The Airocide roses lasted 18 days longer than Fitts would normally keep them. The control flowers – not so much.

Reeves reports that when they began using it in their wet cooler, in just 24 hours airborne mold was reduced by 92% and bacteria dropped by 58% across the total area being cleaned.

Airocide bioconversion systems eliminate 99.999% of all micro-organic particulate (mold, mycotoxins, virus, bacteria and VOCs like ethylene gas) on the first pass. The system has no filters or chemicals to change, produces no harmful byproducts or waste, is self-cleaning and uses no more power than a light bulb. Just plug it in.


The One Delivering The Best Results Gets The Business.

Beautiful blooms and ultra fresh product; that’s what Dave Euston’s customers want to be known for and because that’s what he delivers, Dave is known for that too.

Dave is branch manager for Pittsburg Cut Flower Company and according to him, “ the Airocide® system … has made a tremendous improvement in the quality of my flowers”. “…customers are getting flowers that stay fresher longer.”

His company installed the Airocide bioconversion system to deal with mold and ethylene gas issues. Airocide eliminates 99.999% of all airborne micro-organic matter on the first pass through the system. It is technology developed by NASA for the space station and is exclusive to the Airocide brand. Airocide mineralizes (eliminates) virtually all microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, mold spores and mycotoxins, and bio-aerosols (organic gasses) including ethylene. And it does it without generating or using dangerous ozone.

Florists are demanding longer shelf life. Dave enthusiastically reports, “We are very happy with the results.”


Get a Reputation for Lasting Longer

Airocide® bioconversion systems extends your product’s shelf life and gives you more time to move your inventory before it becomes unsellable. (One florist report that airocide-reduced shrink alone paid for the system in just six months.)

Marketing studies show that consumers replenish more often if they believe their purchases will last longer. And they will love you for giving them better vase life.

Airocide bioconversion systems eliminate the ethylene gas, the mold and the bacteria and viruses that destroy your stock. Airocide bioconversion systems eliminate 99.99% of all organic particulate. Anything organic in the air: all microbes, bacteria, and viruses, mold spores, VOCs and mycotoxins. It never needs cleaning – no filters to mess with. And it operates on about the same amount of power as a light bulb.

Click on the case study below and see how your peers are benefiting from Airocide bioconversion technology.