NASA developed an air purification device specifically designed to eliminate organic gases from the space station. Initially they went after the smallest kind – ethylene gas – given off by plants they were experimenting with in earth orbit. Today this technology is known as Airocide and it’s in use in food processing centers to destroy airborne microbes and gases, in wine caves and food stores to destroy mould. It’s found in doctor’s and dentist’s offices, even schools to prevent infection from airborne viruses and bacteria. And now it’s available for use in your home and many other applications…

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Introducing Airocide – catalytically different
Airocide, the only NASA developed and certified air purification technology on the market. It uses cutting edge science that has been proven to eradicate everything from airborne asthmagens and allergens, to dust mites and pet dander. It has even been clinically proven to destroy coronavirus families, MRSA, and Anthrax spores. The Airocide air purifier destroys organic matter both large and small, especially viruses and VOCs (organic gases).
NASA Technology for the home, workspace and industry
A little over a decade ago NASA developed an air purification device specifically designed to eliminate organic gases from the space station. Initially they went after the smallest kind – ethylene gas – given off by plants they were experimenting with in earth orbit. Today this technology is known as Airocide and it’s in use in food processing centers like Del Monte to destroy airborne microbes and gases, in wine caves like Shafer to destroy mould. It’s used by food chains like Whole Foods. It’s found in doctor’s and dentist’s offices, even schools to prevent infection from airborne viruses and bacteria. And now it’s available for use in your home.
Filter technology vs Airocide technology
Filters do not eliminate all organic pollutants and pathogens from the air, as the smallest contaminants pass through even the finest filters. Airocide’s filterless technology can kill 100% of organic contaminants and pathogens regardless of size.
Comparison of Filters drawbacks vs Airocide
HEPA Filters – 0.3 microns so unsuitable for very small contaminants of pathogens such as viruses or VOCs
UV Technology – harmful to eyes and skin whilst producing ozone and only effective against pathogens in the immediate vicinity
Ozone Technology – produces ozone which at a certain concentration can be dangerous to the health of both humans and pets
Electrostatic air washer – high maintenance requires weekly disc cleaning with filters replaced 3-4 times per year.
Airocide is an uncompromising solution combining all the advantages of the technologies above without any of their disadvantages
Why our air purifier is different – Photo Catalytic Oxidation
Effective against airborne contaminants, irritants, allergens and pathogens

Proven protection against airborne COVID transmission