Fresh Food

Growers & packers

Product Quality, Food Safety and Freshness

As a grower, you wage a battle not only against the elements, but also airborne contaminants. From ethylene, to cross-contamination from mold spores, bacteria and mycotoxins; the fight to keep produce as fresh and safe as possible is unceasing. Yet most of the threats to your work come from airborne contaminants you can’t even see.

By installing an Airocide® bioconversion system where your harvest is stored you can eliminate virtually all airborne mold and ethylene gas, as well as bacteria, viruses, and pathogens in that environment.

As the first step in the food chain, with today’s emphasis on food safety and traceability, your operation is the first to be blamed if your crop can’t survive delivery to the store or is somehow contaminated. Discover how your contemporaries are winning the battle by storing their post-harvest products in Airocide-protected environments. Explore their stories of success below.


Good performance means sellers are more likely to use your services again. But contaminants hinder your ability and your profits.

You’re on schedule, your equipment is working normally, and when you loaded up, the produce looked fine. Yet when you unload, it smells moldy. There may even be some spots forming on the walls. And the crop you are carrying looks tired and sad. Suddenly, people begin to blame you for the deterioration.

But of course it’s actually the harvest sabotaging itself. Along the way, undetectable mold spores flourished, while the produce’s natural ethylene gas accelerated the ripening process; the enclosed space only compounding the issues. Sure, you’ve tried potassium permanganate filters, pellets and sachets but with only limited success. You’ve spent the money and watched them change color as they quit working.

Install an Airocide® bioconversion system in your refrigerated units and you’ll be amazed at the results. Airocide bioconversion systems eliminate virtually all airborne mold and ethylene gas, as well as bacteria, viruses, and pathogens regardless of size that enter its reaction chamber. And Airocide doesn’t wear out.

With Airocide you can significantly increase produce freshness, which will give grocers the same benefit. Give them this key advantage and get more business in return.

Cold Storage / Food Warehousing

Elimination is the best solution

Food safety, traceability and sustainability are the three key words that resonate throughout the industry today. Be lacking in any one and you could be out of business.

With material coming into your facilities from numerous suppliers, it’s nearly impossible to keep track of where each product came from—to say nothing of what contaminants came on them. Every time a new shipment arrives so does mould spores, mycotoxins, viruses, and bacterium. One crop can easily infect another.

Even scrubbing down coolers on a regular basis doesn’t keep mould from building up on the walls. Meanwhile trapped ethylene gas accelerates maturation of produce. And if there is shared space between different crops, cross-contamination between them is a problem. Until now, it has seemed like a never-ending battle.

But cold-storage pros are finding out the secret; a NASA developed and perfected product called Airocide®.

Airocide’s unique bioconversion-technology system doesn’t filter. It actually eliminates ethylene gas, mould, fungi, bacteria, viruses and even volatile organic compounds—simply by molecular-conversion. By eliminating the culprits, labour is reduced and produce is saved. And that’s truly a breath of fresh air.

Retail Grocery

Fresh produce is at the heart of a supermarket. Customers may come in for the price, but they look to you for freshness. It’s up to you to keep the product fresh, with plenty of appetite appeal. Keep it safe. Keep damaged product out of your displays at all times. And all this depends on you. Yes, you are the brand.

You deal with issues the customer never sees. Mold spores in the air. Airborne bacteria. Cross-contamination impacting flavor when incompatible produce is stored together and with cold storage space at a premium that may be unavoidable. To say nothing of the accelerated ripening/spoilage and loss in profits that ethylene produces.