Category: Domestic Air Purifiers

Home Unit Airocide® was designed for the modern home. These units are specifically designed to disinfect smaller airspaces. In addition to revolutionary NASA technology, the sleek design was given great emphasis to make Airocide® the perfect choice for your home.

Using the process of Photocatalytic Oxidation, Airocide® does not filter, but destroys airborne viruses, bacteria, moulds, allergens and VOC gases. The EDISON AWARD award-winning design and construction provides optimal airflow and the maximized disinfection. Airocide® is quiet; with 3-speed ventilation – low, automatic, maximum – ensures peaceful sleep and comfort.


The Airocide® air purifier

  • Relief for allergy sufferers
  • Quality air for young children and the elderly
  • Relaxing sleep with a balanced day
  • Removes 99.99% of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC) from your home
  • The unpleasant effects of pet husbandry on air are eliminated


Recommended applications

  • Living- and bedrooms
  • Offices
  • Meeting rooms
  • Hotel rooms
  • Dentist clinics
  • Health centres
  • Pets’ clinics
  • Fitness room

No matter what the problem is in your home’s air, Airocide® has a solution. Our core NASA developed technology will eliminate anything based on the element carbon. This includes VOCs, Pollen, Mold, Spores, Bacteria, Viruses, and Odors. If your problem is one of these, then the APS-200 is the best Airocide® product for you. But, how can we move forward? Our development team has figured out that existing technology, combined with efficient new materials, also solves the problem caused by PM 2.5. This is the new APS-200 PM 2.5 model. Airocide® uses state-ofthe-art filter media (carbon / permanganate blend, hospital-grade MERV material) and NASA’s advanced PCO catalyst to provide a solution to all indoor air quality problems.

The term fine particles, or particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5), refers to tiny particles or droplets in the air that are two and one half microns or less in width. Approximately 15 – 20% of the composition of P.M 2.5 is organic material. This is primarily un-combusted hydrocarbons from cars, trucks, and from smoke stacks. Typically, these molecules are very stable cyclic hydrocarbons that are both difficult to remove from the air and very dangerous to breathe (carcinogenic).

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