The Ever Increasing Rise of Energy Bills
In the UK the cost of living is on the rise and so are energy bills. Many businesses have already seen this increase first hand and it is feared that small and medium sized businesses may struggle to afford their bills. Looking at the data from ofgem, the household energy price cap have seen a rise…
How Open Smart Monitor can battle your unsustainably high energy Costs?
Already this year, we are seeing reports that manufacturers will be forced to cut jobs or/and production due to high energy costs. This comes after ministers finalised the details of a revised scheme, which will come to light as early as this week. Business (Businesses) within the UK already have energy cost support from the…
COVID Destruction Technology – “C D Tek”
MRI Global demonstrated that Airocide devices could eliminate and neutralize infectious SARS-CoV-2. MRIGlobal is a Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory located in Kansas City, MO. The experimental phase of this project was initiated by MRIGlobal on July 27,2021 and concluded on August 1, 2021, and demonstrated the ability of the Airocide product line to eliminate and…
Institut Pastuer Research
The report conclusively determines that the virus WAS NOT present once it had passed through the reaction chamber. This is good news on the continued fight with Covid 19 – read more…
The Academic Research – selected summary
There has been much academic research conducted regarding Airocide effectiveness. We selected some of that research and they are provided here for download.
MERS: The Other Deadly Coronavirus
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is caused by a coronavirus called the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. Appropriate nomenclature in your author’s humble opinion. Once the virus successfully infects a human host, the symptoms are severe fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In some cases there were gastrointestinal symptoms reported. Unfortunately, four out of ten…
Airocide at Verbier International School in Switzerland
The world-renowned Verbier International School in Switzerland recently installed forty AIROCIDE Air Purification devices throughout their campus to help create a safer and cleaner environment for students and staff. The Airocide air pathogen control technology provides a clinically proven solution to help protect students and staff by destroying dangerous pathogens, including COVID 19, and allow…
Saudi Arabias King Saud hospital successfully deploys AiroCide air purifying technology
The NASA developed AiroCide technology uses innovative various pathogen killing techniques based primarily on photo catalytic oxidation (PCO) to destroy highly harmful airborne microbes. Successfully deployed and used since well over 15+ years, Airocide efficacy claims are backed by clinical documented evidences from government institutions, hospitals, major universities, and the healthcare industry in general including…
Airocide at Palace of Versailles
The Palace of Versailles, France, installed AIROCIDE to create a safer and cleaner environment for staff and visitors and to protect precious artefacts from harmful mould and fungus.Listed as a World Heritage Site for 30 years, it is considered one of the greatest achievements in French 17th century art. “This prestigious Airocide installation at the…