Category: Measurement & Survey

Don’t risk guessing, act upon real-life, real-time data

Instinctively, our senses can tell us a lot about the degree of contamination in our ambient airspace – whether it be unpleasant or overpowering odours, visible indications like light scattering from dust, or physiological response to an airborne allergen.  However, the long-term harmful effects of these different irritants and hazards may not be immediately apparent. It may be necessary to qualify or quantify the degree of contamination or infestation in order to design the appropriate clean-up measures.


Instrumentation, calibrated to an appropriate reference standard can provide a quick or longer-term snapshot, or monitor fluctuations and trends of key components like VOCs, dust, moisture (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde (HCHO), solvents and other chemicals. CDTek can provide sale, rental or short-term measurement using a variety of instrumental techniques as appropriate for the measurand and action levels.


In order to test for specific or a broad range of pathogens, it necessary to deploy Standard Reference Methods which have been developed over many years and recognised internationally.  CDTek can offer these services through our accredited partner companies which can be included as a turnkey Survey and Airocide purification package.

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